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Tonight on the 2nd of November a payment was taken from my account of £29.99 the title says 2CO.COM*MALWAREBYTES AMSTERDAM NL and I have no recall of making any sort of account with this company first I got a scam text saying a payment was made of *such amount* which I googled and it was a scam number and know this, shall I contact the bank? Why has this company taken money of me? 

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6 minutes ago, RWBYRubyRose said:

Its a scam. Call your bank and report what happened since 2018 when i looked into this online from people reporting money getting take out of their accounts.

That’s confusing and it’s a website as well okay I’ll be ringing first thing tomorrow about it 

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  • Root Admin

2CO is a valid payment processor. My guess is that you probably purchased Malwarebytes last year and it is a subscription service. They simply automatically renewed your subscription.

Please see the following to setup your My Account page if not done already. From there you can manage your account and subscription


Please let us know if you have additional questions or issues @Mattyboi96

Thank you


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