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Possible false positive (again)? (vgmuseum.com)

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Hi, I was just browsing some pages on the Super Mario Wiki when I suddenly got a website blocking message from MWB about a "hxxp://www.vgmuseum.com/" site, which happened to be listed as a source on a file info page for an image. Trying to visit the site itself, predictably, caused MWB to block it there too. I've visited the site a few times in the past and haven't had any issues with it before, and it's just a simple site hosting screenshots and recorded animated GIFs of various classic video games, so I'm unsure exactly what about it is causing MWB to block it.

MWB brings up the detection when visiting any webpage that has the site's URL written within it (it doesn't even need to be formatted as a full-on hyperlink, oddly enough)

Once again, here's an exported report file of when MWB had the detection. Hope somebody looks at it to hopefully fix this issue soon?


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