Jump to content False Positive blocked (BicycleAustin.info)

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I run BicycleAustin.info.  A reader reported to me that he got the following error when trying to visit it:


Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Website blocked: bicycleaustin.info

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity.

We strongly recommend you do not continue.


Site shows clean at VirusTotal.

I do not have MalwareBytes so I cannot provide logs, testing, etc.

Thank you.

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20 minutes ago, MichaelBluejay said:

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity.

While we wait for staff. A note on Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Non-standard TLD's (biz/cc/info/xyz/online and so on) are commonly used for malicious purposes.  Malwarebytes err on the side of caution to assure that we are protecting our users. If our users encounter a block, they report it (as you did), it gets tested, and if it is determined to be safe, it gets whitelisted.

Here are some of the reasons why it's safer to block by default and remove the block if found to be safe. 



Typically no one has the time and resources to go out and daily scan for bad sites on the Web.

I will have the proper team investigate.


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