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I have android 10 phone that is suffereing from redirects. Any browser opens new tabs and loads unwanted sites. The tab opens with the following file https://vpi.hfghty564hjghjhg.tech. This then redirects to a number of URLs with mg.adkeeper.com being predominate. I have Malware bytes Premium  it does not detect any infection. There was a file in downloads starting with com.chrome  this has been deleted but did not stop reinfection. I have deleted history, app user data and cache. It orginally infected Chrome, this has been disabled and now infects Opera. Any clues on what and where the infection maybe. There does not seem to be any addtional apps listed

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Hi @Ripech,

Sounds like it may be Adware.  If you could send an Apps Report, I can look further into it.

To send an Apps Report with Malwarebytes for Android use the following instructions.

1. Open the Malwarebytes for Android app.

2. Tap the Menu icon.

3. Tap Your apps.

4. Tap three lines icon in upper right corner.

5. Tap Send to support

Choose an email app to send Apps Report.

Your email app will open with the Apps Report included.

At this point, it would be very helpful to mention you are submitting via recommendation from the Malwareybtes forum.  This allows our support staff to know where to direct it.

By sending the Apps Report, you will create a ticket in our support system.

Private Message (PM) me the email used and/or the ticket number assigned.


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  • 1 year later...

My new workmate had spam issue on his Galaxy Z Fold. He said that this issue was also on his old phone. He used Samsung Smart Switch between those phones and Bluetooth auto connect- app (org.myklos.btautoconnect) was transfered on the new phone. Different antivirus product installed on his phone did not recognize this malicious app, but Malwarebytes did when i ran it today! Great job Malwarebytes! No more fullscreen ads (including NSFW ads)!

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