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A challenging malware removal

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I'm trying to take care of a malware infection on a computer that belongs to a friend of mine. It's a Dell desktop running on Windows XP. The malware it is infected with is Advanced Virus Removal, and it's rooted itself rather deep. The malware has disabled the task manager and has also disabled the option to run any other program when starting running Windows normally.

My first idea was to go in to Safe Mode and install MBAM, but the person who owns the computer doesn't know the administrator login. and apparently you can't login to safe mode from a non-administrator account (the non-administrator acct login doesn't appear when booting in safe mode) Is there any way to give administrator priveledges to the login I do have?

In summary:

No Task Manager

No Programs

No Safe Mode

Is there a boot disc I can try to run to clean it up before even trying to start windows? I tried Avira's boot disc, but it said that all the malware could not be removed. If I had the directory where the malware is located on the hard drive would it be possible to remove it via command prompt?

Thanks, and I know it's a complicated problem. I'll check back here later, I'm going to see if I can't find someone who DOES have the administrator login credentials.

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