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Got Hacked by ip


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It's not a long time that I was playing an online game till someone texted me in the game chat with my ip and location, I felt unsafe so i quit the game and disconnected the computer from the internet and turned off the router for 15mn 

After i checked myip.com and i've found that my ip changed but when I check also for the old one i find my informations related to it 

I'm feeling really unsafe about that because he was threating me 

I need help as soon as possible please !


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15 minutes ago, exile360 said:


If you believe your system has been compromised, please follow the instructions in this topic then create a new topic in our malware removal area by clicking here and a malware removal specialist will guide you in checking and cleaning your system of any threats.


Hey, thanks for your help

I don't think that my system has been compromised, i posted this asking if i can protect myself while he has my ip adress 

Because i think that he would do something in the futur



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I don't think there's too much that can be done if a malicious actor only has your IP address.  Every website you visit collects your IP, and as long as you have a decent hardware firewall (typically, your modem/router will have a firewall built in) along with the built in Windows Firewall (or if you want more control over it, you may install something like Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control) you should be OK.  You might also Disable Remote Desktop on your device, especially if you don't ever log into your device remotely.

If you want to prevent others from seeing your actual IP address when online, you could use a VPN, like Malwarebytes Privacy.

Edited by exile360
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I've just downloaded Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Controll but I didn't change any settings, I tried to disable the remote desktop Control but it says that my windows edition does not support this feature.

I'm planning to start using Malwarebytes vpn from now

Is everything good now? 

any other instructions?


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It sounds like you're in pretty good shape to me :) 

Since you're running the Home version of Windows, which doesn't support Remote Desktop, you won't have to worry about that, however I personally recommend disabling Remote Assistance which is another remote access feature in Windows.

You should also take a look at our Tips to help protect from infection if you haven't already.  It's a lot of info so you don't have to rush to get through all of it at once.  Just take your time and get to it as you can.  It includes much of what I've already told you, so you've already completed a lot of it.  Not all of the tips apply to dealing strictly with hackers, but it's good general info for helping to protect against all sorts of online threats.

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