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Clipboard Protection, copy and paste from Password Manager to browser.

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I am not the person in charged of the Home WiFi security at home, but I received an offer today to install a clipboard application. Visiting their website I noticed they do not offer a secure connection. We have a private WiFi, Windows 10, Microsoft firewall, Malwarebytes Premium AND Zemana Antilogger. I use a password manager, usually copying and pasting passwords. It came to my memory a product I had checked before, Spyshelter, which Premium option offers Clipboard Protection. So, I am just wondering right now if I HAVE MISSED ANYTHING, suddenly out of curiosity. Anyone who can post an easy to understand and definite answer it will be greatly appreciated since my interest is not anything regarding having to deal with security issues anywhere/anyhow.



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It sounds like your current security setup is pretty robust, and particularly since you're already using a password manager as well as a dedicated anti-keylogger app (Zemana), you shouldn't need to add anything else to guard passwords/the clipboard.  That said, using a good ad blocker like uBlock Origin in your browser wouldn't hurt if you aren't already, as well as HTTPS Everywhere.  Malwarebytes also offers a free browser extension, Malwarebytes Browser Guard, which helps block malicious content on top of the Web Protection you already get in Malwarebytes Premium, and it also includes blocking for many ads and trackers to guard your privacy, as well as behavior based blocking for tech support scams.

I'd also recommend taking a look at our Tips to help protect from infection as it offers lots of good tools and info to help further secure your system.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist with please let us know.


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