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Working a spreadsheet more than 8 years history, MB crashed it!

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Windows 10 Pro
Malwarebytes 4.2.1
Excel 356 Current Version (working on a spreadsheet with more than 8 years of history)!

I typed the word "Cancel" into an important Excel spreadsheet cell, changed the text color to red and bolded the word. I attempted to copy the cell when Malwarebytes crashed the spreadsheet with the message "Exploit Blocked". The spreadsheet will not reopen now and I'm scrambling to recover. What the hell?


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On 10/1/2020 at 6:23 AM, exile360 said:

Please open Malwarebytes and navigate to settings by clicking the small gear icon in the upper right.  Once there, visit the Security tab and under the Exploit Protection section at the bottom, toggle the option Block penetration testing attacks to the left/off position, assuming it was enabled.  Once that is done, wait about 30 seconds and then try launching an Excel or Word document to see if the issue is resolved.

If that fixed the issue, please leave the setting disabled (it should be disabled by default as its only purpose is for testing Malwarebytes against actual pen test attacks, not to block or detect actual threats/exploits).

If that was not the issue, please refer to Porthos' instructions above for posting diagnostic logs for analysis.



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  • Root Admin

Hello @Octogenarian

If you right click over the Malwarebytes tray icon you should be able to disable the Exploit Protection. This should allow you to work with your Microsoft Documents without issue while we investigate your issue.

Please follow the directions from the following KB article and post back the requested logs so that we can assist you further.

Upload Malwarebytes Support Tool logs offline

Thank you


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