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Deployment Failures Using Discovery and Deployment Tool


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I am using the discovery and deployment tool to deploy endpoint protection to workstations on our network.  Most of them deployed fine but I have a handful of workstations that failed.  The log states the same error for all of the problem workstations. I have attached one of the error logs. 

As far as I can tell al the correct ports are accessible and nothing in Windows firewall on the affected workstations seems to be preventing it. Does anyone have any tips?



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Log shows endpoint is not reachable 
ErrorMessage:System.IO.IOException: The network path was not found.
Domain name: *********.local; IP Address(es): IP Address: 192.168.1.xx, ;  : Error: Bad Net Name

The D&D Tool uses SMB (445) for file copy RPC (135) for kicking off process, or alternatively WMI.

1.  Try running D&D Tool from a workstation on the same LAN segment, if you have a segmented/routed network

2.  Ensure endpoint is PING-able

3.  Recheck hostname and IP addresses match i.e. DHCP/DNS/AD all line up

3.  Get the file share working with Windows basic commands to diagnose e.g. try mounting the file share from your endpoint running D&D Tool. Something like ....
NET USE z: \\HP-PAV-SWID.swiderski.local\admin$  /PERSISTENT:NO /USER:domain\adminuser * 

:: and/or 

NET USE z: \\\admin$  /PERSISTENT:NO /USER:domain\adminuser * 

:: To cleanup


When you can diagnose/do a Windows mount of the Share, all pre-requisites should be working.

Try to deploy to IP address explicitly, instead of name.

If you are a subscribed user, then submit a formal case/support ticket for more formal assistance.


Edited by AndrewPP
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4 minutes ago, AndrewPP said:

Log shows endpoint is not reachable 
ErrorMessage:System.IO.IOException: The network path was not found.
Domain name: *********.local; IP Address(es): IP Address: 192.168.1.xx, ;  : Error: Bad Net Name

2.  Ensure endpoint is PING-able



I did not attempt a ping originally as I assumed it was pingable (is that a word?)  since the D&D tool found it.  After attempting to ping, the request timed out.

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The tool discovers endpoint names and addresses by a number of methods.
When you deploy is when it connects to the endpoint, initially for a file copy, run installer and trigger Management Agent service start. 
If ping is timing out, then resolve that and ability to file mount, then it should work.
Check network settings, public/private to ensure File and Print Sharing is enabled.
(If the endpoints are domain-joined to an ActiveDirectory then GPO/GPUPDATE is an alternative)

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