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My website is being blocked


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Hi .. I've recently had a client using Malwarebytes finding that our website (https://zoople.tech) is being flagged as containing a trojan.

The website appears safe and infected in Google search console and on securi - https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/zoople.tech

i am very confident that it is being reported as a false positive. Could someone please advise on the process for having the site removed from the MWB blacklist?


Richard Poate


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5 minutes ago, zoople_tech said:

Could someone please advise on the process for having the site removed from the MWB blacklist?

While we wait for staff. A note on Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Non-standard TLD's (tech/biz/cc/info/xyz and so on) are commonly used for malicious purposes.  Malwarebytes err on the side of caution to assure that we are protecting our users. If our users encounter a block, they report it (as you did), we test it, and if it is determined to be safe, it is whitelisted.

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