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Earlier this morning my windows 10 laptop was really slow and unresponsive due to what I suspect was a malware or a virus.  I ran a complete scan on windows defender and everything came up clean.  However I couldn't get my Malwarebytes to work as it was stuck on the screen displaying 'checking for updates.'  I googled the issue which brought me to the support tool and I proceeded to download it and gathered the logs which saved it on my desktop which I've attached here.  I then did a clean install and after that was able to run the Malwarebytes app which finally worked and did not find anything under the "Threats Summary"

I now know I did everything backwards as this was my first time doing this and should have created a ticket first and then waited to hear back back about the zip file before proceeding with the clean installation.  I actually contacted the support message section after going through all the steps and attached the zip file from the logs which subsequently led to an automatic e-mail with a ticket number.

Again my apologies!  Can you confirm if there is anything on the attached zip file and if there is anything I need to do moving forward?  Should I permanently delete the zip file permanently before I accidentally release whatever's in there and exasperate my situation? 😆


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25 minutes ago, dj24 said:

is anything I need to do moving forward?

If you are not having any issues other than the checking for updates then you should be fine.

This will most likely fix further occurrences of updates being stuck in Malwarebytes.

I suggest turning off fast startup in Windows. Then restart.



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