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Microsoft VSCode terminal false-positively quarantines NodeJS and NPM

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I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Code, one of the most popular source-code editors out there. It has an option to open up a terminal window inside of the program, either cmd.exe, powershell or else.

Well, today after I launched VSCode and the terminal inside, Malwarebytes detected both NodeJS and NPM as an exploit or "Malware.Exploit.Agent.Generic" to be exact. Now it says both files are quarantined and I need to restart my computer and NPM itself is no longer working.

I believe this could have something to do with an NPM update I did yesterday, updated to 6.14.5, not sure what the previous version was, maybe 6.14.1.

I remember reporting a very similar problem earlier this year, so I'm not sure why this problem is occurring again, especially since these tools and programs are used by millions of developers out there.

I am attaching the logs from C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\AeDetections to this message.


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