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CPU 100% until I open Task Manager

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I have a fairly new computer running Windows 10. My son built it for me as I need CAD from time to time and my old one wasn't powerful enough. At first, all was well. Then it got very slow at times. Sometimes I would sit for 10 or 20 minutes before I could do anything. My son suggested that I open the task manager so I could see what was slowing things down. I noticed that every time I would open the task manager to look, I'd see the cpu % very high, even 100% at times, but it would drop as soon as I started trying to find something. I've purchased and installed Malwarebytes Premium 4.2.1. It found and resolved problems but the main problem persists. 

Any help appreciated.

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Whilst you should follow the instructions from exile360 to see if the experts can find what is causing the slowdown - don't worry about the Task Manager showing 100%.

That's just the way that the Task Manager in Windows 10 works.

When you open the Task Manager in Win10 it always shows 100% CPU at the top for the first second or so until it calculates what is actually being used.
Open and close (not minimise) Task Manager a few times in a row and you'll see that it always does the same.
(If you quickly look down the column the individual entries will be showing 0%).
Nothing is actually using 100% of the CPU it's just a 'holding' number.
In previous Windows versions Task Manager used to show 0% CPU at the top for the first few seconds, but nobody though that is was actually zero.

Why that changed in Windows 10 you would have to ask Microsoft.

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