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Right, so I hooked up two laptops and one phone to my Family Plan, which I got today, however I want to get rid of the phone and hook up another laptop, keeping the three device plan.

If I disable my phone, will my plan be no longer valid and would have to pay again for the laptop? Or will it keep the 3-device plan and allow for the laptop to be added on once the phone is off the plan?

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My question was will the plan still allow for 3 devices if I removed my phone off it? I have the family plan, which allows for 3 devices. I am afraid if I remove one device I will only be allowed 2 devices meaning I will have to pay for the 3rd again.


Basically, do the devices on my plan accumulate to where I can remove my phone and still be allowed to put one more device within its place without anything changing?

(In a visual form, here it is)

Will it be
(3 Devices in plan, 0 available) after removal of one device (2 Devices in plan, 1 available)

Or will it be

(3 Devices in plan, 0 available) after removal of one device (2 Devices in plan, 0 available)

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