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After reading the OP, I checked my settings and they were similar to Molly2925's so I followed the re-registering with Windows Security Centre advice and things seem to be fine but should I be able, in Windows Security Centre, to have the Windows Defender Antivirus options Periodic scanning setting to On, that setting suggests I can use both Current Provider (Malwarebytes?) and Windows defender but this setting is returned to Off after a restart?

TIA for any advice/enlightenment, I'm fairly new to Windows 10 so apologies in advance if I'm missing the obvious!

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I'm not sure how Microsoft handles Defender, but I believe they turn it off completely when another AV is registered in Security Center, so if you wish to use both, I'd recommend having Malwarebytes not register with Security Center and either keeping both Malwarebytes and Defender active, or manually disabling Defender's real-time protection and just using its periodic scheduled scanning if that's all you want to have active.  Defender and Malwarebytes are compatible together in real-time if you want to keep both active, and we have many users who run them together (I run them this way on my own system personally and they work just fine with no conflicts or issues).

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we can help with please let us know.


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