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Been using the product for months now(already activated) and today i opened Malwarebytes and saw these errors:

1) Proxy Settings
Unable to contact licence server. Check your proxy settings or contact your system administrator for help.

2) SSL validation error

There was a problem validating SSL certificates.
Please launch Internet Explorer once and then try the operation again.

Please help. Thank you in advance.




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I see. It's good that you keep it open. I don't really know what causes those errors and concerned that it might come back.

I did try to fix it though before i gave up and go to sleep. The next day, i switched on my laptop and the errors were gone. My account is back to premium.

So far everything is fine. Nothing to complain.

Thank you for your time to reply. @AdvancedSetup

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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help.

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