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Malwarebytes says expired HELP!

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Same issue here.  I've never had a problem renewing over the past 4 years.  After my most recent renewal in September 2020, I continue to see "Expired - temporarily extended" on all of my computers.  I've applied the new license key, the old key, used the removal tool exactly as instructed.  Days later, I still have the same issue.   

Maybe it has to do with my account showing licenses for old products.  They are:

  • Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium (formerly Anti-Exploit Premium)
  • Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium (formerly Anti-Malware Premium)

Can someone in support get rid of these old products and update them with the current product and the same number of licenses (6 total computers)?  Maybe that will fix the issue.

If my computers eventually revert from "temporarily extended" to "free", I'm finding another product.


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@yoMuzicMan just wanted to give you an update - our home support team isn't back in until tomorrow, but I tried taking a look at things since I have limited access to some of the systems the support team does.

According to our licensing system, the key that is showing in the screenshots you sent in is not expiring and was renewed on 09/06/2020. Its still good until 2021.

Also, the 2 other keys you mentioned in your emails are alias keys for the primary key in your screenshot. Using one of those keys should work but the UI will revert to the primary key which is in your screenshot.

If you are still seeing a message the the license is temporarily extended, then I would recommend hanging on until support can work with you on that. Keep in mind that your license is still valid and your computer will still stay protected while support figures out what is causing this potential UI bug.

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  • Solution

Hi Alex.

Support got in touch with me and resolved the issue.  They explained that I had 2 legacy license keys in my account.  So they removed them and added the one that should work.  As I re-apply the new license key to my computers, they no longer show "Expired - temporarily extended".




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