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Monochrome icon for system tray in Windows 10


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Thanks for the feedback, I will be sure to pass it on to the Product team for consideration.

I doubt they will change the color as that is the company's official color and branding, however they might be willing to put some kind of border around it as they have in the past in black or white to give it an outline to keep it visible when users select blue as their taskbar color (the default color for the taskbar in Windows 10 is not blue, though users may change it to any color they wish of course).

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  • 8 months later...

it is highly unlikely that the company will be changing the tray icon. It has been this color and look for many years now.

This doesn't really make sense. The color of the MalwareBytes icon has been modified on the very badge the Staff uses here. It is clearly still recognizable.


An option to use a black or white icon Settings > Appearence would be great. Right now it's fairly annoying to have such a distinctly colored icon the taskbar:


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  • Root Admin

It makes sense in that most companies do change logos over time but when you have millions of customers that know your brand by a specific color and logo it takes a huge business decision to change it.

The request has been noted and at this time there are no current plans that I'm aware of to support this request.

Thank you


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  • 2 months later...

I too would like to add my voice to changing the taskbar icon - perhaps include a white outline so it doesn't blend into the taskbar colour chosen by Windows.

My taskbar is the same dark blue colour as posted by Amaroq_Starwind above.  It was automatically set by Windows when I selected a solid black Background in keeping with a dark theme.

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