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Is Mac version as robust as Windows version of Malwarebytes?

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Hi all, I added a premium license to a Mac, and noticed a slight difference with the Windows version. The Windows version has real time protection stated as follows:

Web protection

Malware protection

Ransomware protection

Exploit protection


but the Mac version only has:

Malware protection

App block


Do the two products essentially protect against the same things, and this is just a terminology or user interface difference? Or is there something important not yet available in the Mac product?



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Windows and Mac are obviously very different as are the threats faced by each platform and each product was specifically designed to deal with the latest threats for each platform and each product uses its own protection, scan engine and database updates to target the specific threats for each platform.

I hope that helps to clarify things a bit.

If there is anything else we can help with please let us know.


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Yes, thanks @exile360, so it sounds correct for me to assume that both products offer a comparable level of protection and security for that platform, albeit different? I was just trying to find if there was some big functional deficiency on the Mac product that had not been implemented yet, this happens in the Mac world vs. Windows with some software sometimes...

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I'll just add that Ransomware is considered to be malware on the Mac platform, so you are protected against the few such threats that have existed to date. I don't actually know what "Exploit protection" means in a Windows environment, but in my book an exploit is malware that takes advantage of a vulnerability which is generally what all malware attempts to do.

Web protection might be considered a deficiency here and that is due to some macOS restrictions that prevent it from being implemented in the Malwarebytes app itself. There are extensions for Chrome and Firefox that accomplish this, but again Safari restrictions have prevented a similar capability from being implemented there, so far.

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