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  • Root Admin

Hello @PedLop


Please click on "Restore Defaults" on the "Advanced Exploit Protection settings" dialog box.

  • Click on the small gear icon on the top right of the main program
  • Under Settings click on  the Security tab
  • Scroll to the bottom and click on the Advanced settings button
  • Click on Application behavior protection
  • Click on the Restore Defaults button


Click on Show hidden contents to view screenshots











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I had a user earlier who ran into similar detections and even though they hadn't touched their settings, resetting it using the Restore Defaults button actually did end up fixing it, indicating that it may be an issue with the underlying configuration file that controls the settings being inaccurate or corrupt, which restoring to defaults should correct, and even though none of the options appeared to change when they clicked the button, it still fixed the problem for them so it's worth a try if you haven't done so already (and please let us know if it does correct the issue as I'm trying to find out if there is some problem causing the values/options to be incorrectly set and inaccurately displayed as it may indicate an issue with the program or its installer).

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