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John L. Galt - Beta CU_1.0.1053

John L. Galt
Go to solution Solved by tetonbob,

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Same for me, but the update package caused all sorts of havoc (as in breaking Firefox from viewing many, many site - including not letting me get to the MB forums in anything other than a text-only format).  Fortunately, the newest UP 1.0.30308 seems to have (mostly) fixed that issue.


I was surprised at the update notification, but did so after I completed my last conference call - other than that update package going bonkers, and now being fixed, everything else seemed to go well.

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I thought the updated UP would fix things - but it has not.  In my existing profiles, using both Firefox Nightly, and Firefox (release build) I am getting the following, on multiple websites.




And on the MB forums, this is what I see in the old profile:




On a brand new profile (created using Firefox Nightly, with the same addons installed as in the existing one), I have no issues. 


And I am not the only one experiencing this, at least one other user (from 10F) reported the same behavior.

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  • Staff

@John L. Galt - I split your posts to their own topic.

More information may be requested, but for now, can you please collect and upload as an attachment the diagnostic data using our MBST?

  • Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  • Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply


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I will test more when I get back.  Time for some dinner.


To be clear:  This is only occurring in an existing profile in Nightly and an existing profile in Firefox - in a new profile I created for Nightly it does not occur.  And it does not occur in Chrome, Edge (Chromium), nor beta, developer or canary.

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I got the same thing when connecting to https://startpage.com/ earlier today and the beta upgraded automatically at 5:23pm EST.

The above happened fast and disappeared and I changed my URL to blank tab, I thought something was wrong with the site.

I had screensaver on when the upgrade took place and I noticed the posts on the forum about the upgrade and mine was installed silently somehow without no prompt but I had fell asleep when the update took place. Seems like I would still have the option to choose when to install. I thought that was already implemented.

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14 hours ago, tetonbob said:

Thanks for the logs. Can you reproduce this issue consistently? Does disabling Web Protection temporarily, alleviate the issue?
I'm about to sign out for the night, but we'll keep an eye on this topic.

OK, I've done some extensive testing, and here is what I've found, Bob:

Firefox Nightly 83.0a1 (2020-09-23) (64-bit).  Default profile, 2 different machines (extended testing performed on my work laptop, as I have made 0 changes since the MB update was passed).  On my Desktop, I went ahead and created a new profile with same addons, and loaded same web pages, with respective logins as required, and nothing is broken in new profile.

In old profile, if I disable web protection, and then reload every page that is having an issue connecting, the page loads perfectly fine.  If I re-enable Web protection, the page continues to load fine.

But if I close the browser and then open it back up, some pages fails to load again - force reloading them seems to work fine though.

Example URLs:


In addition, I have several NewEgg pages that have a MBBG blocks for trojan activity lol.  URLs:





All three of these pages were giving me that same error as above - and additionally, loaded perfectly fine *without* any issues after disabling the web protection in MB temporarily.

Finally, as I stated before, a user at 10Forums used the support tool to cleanly install non-ßeta and all issues disappeared.

I'm willing to try that, with the except of installing the ßeta again, to see if the issue recurs, on the laptop.  Otherwise, I'll wait on the next step from you.

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I created a new profile on my desktop and it doesn't occur there. 

On my laptop, disabling web protection and re-loading all pages seems to have fixed it, except now I'm getting a Browser Guard popup block on New Egg pages - I think that is unrelated, though.


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