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After an automatic update that occurred just now, I'm unable to activate and use Malwarebytes Premium. I've attached pictures of error messages after trying to activate from a webpage and then again from manually attempting to activate using license key. Glasswire reports version change of 3.2 - 3.2 whereas Malwarebytes shows 4.2.1 at the top of the window.  Even after nuking this program and all affiliated files with Revo Uninstaller, I still can't activate. I can browse the web and navigate Malwarebytes webpages just fine though.

Unable to Activate.PNG

Unable to Contact License Server.PNG

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2 hours ago, WhatisGoE said:

still can't activate. I can browse the web and navigate Malwarebytes webpages just fine though.

Can you please collect and upload as an attachment the diagnostic data using our MBST?

  • Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  • Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply
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3 hours ago, WhatisGoE said:

Glasswire reports version change of 3.2 - 3.2 whereas Malwarebytes shows 4.2.1 at the top of the window.

This is because individual files are updated independently and not every file is changed in every update, so the major program version shown at the top of the window and in Programs and Features will often differ from individual Malwarebytes file versions.  This is also best practice for developers since it fosters proper version tracking and managing any changes in the code since they will often go through multiple iterations of an individual file during the development of a planned release/build of the software.  It also helps for situations where a new developer might need to work on a file which was previously modified by another developer so that the devs can keep track of when individual changes in the code were made and by whom.  None of that transparency into the development of the code would be possible if they used a single build number for all files contained in the software.

I only know this stuff because I used to work with the devs and because I asked them about it myself as I too was confused by the mismatched build numbers/version numbers.

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