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I'm stumped on this one folks.

I had 6 licenses to add to Subscription and was successful in adding 5 but when I type in the information for number 6 I get the message " The product key you are trying to use is already registered ".

O.K. but I can't find it anywhere.

Anyone know of a way to add it to my account?

I would like to put the licenses in one place if possible.



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If that does not work you will need to contact Support directly and they should be able to assist you.  To do so, please fill out the form on this page and you will be contacted via email once they get to your ticket.  Just be aware that tickets take longer than normal to get a reply at the moment due to increased ticket volume so expect to wait at least a few days (not including weekends) if you do end up having to create a ticket.

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1 hour ago, exile360 said:

If that does not work you will need to contact Support directly and they should be able to assist you.  To do so, please fill out the form on this page and you will be contacted via email once they get to your ticket.  Just be aware that tickets take longer than normal to get a reply at the moment due to increased ticket volume so expect to wait at least a few days (not including weekends) if you do end up having to create a ticket.

Thanks exile360, I guess that is the answer.

I'll give it a go.

Thanks to both of you.

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On 9/16/2020 at 9:41 AM, Hardhead said:

Also if you are a current home user the platform only allows 5 licenses and that is why you have the issue here.

Your link takes me to the main Malwarebytes page, do you have a different link where I can see what you mentioned, or did I miss something on that page?

I would think I can buy many licenses and own them and add them to my subscriptions page????

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