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Browser guard blocking Facebook.de


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Hi, regarding this topic I have also a question:

A few days ago I installed Malwarebytes Browser guard and first time I tried to visit facebook.de, which was immediately blocked by browser guard. However, "facebook.com" seems to be not blocked. URL in adress line is: chrome-extension://ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee/app/eventpages/block.html?referrer=null&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.de%2F&host=www.facebook.de&type=malware&subtype=reputation&tabId=20&filename=undefined

Is this supposed to be working this way? Or did I something wrong?

I am not able to get a domain whois, but I thougt "facebook.de" is a DNS Name for germany from facebook.com ^^browserguard_mwb.thumb.PNG.87abc59f840c2db4b39fa9eb851ecbfd.PNG

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1 hour ago, JBP said:

Our website is not a scam but it is blocked by Malwarebytes.

While we wait for staff. A note on Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Non-standard TLD's (biz/cc/info/xyz and so on) are commonly used for malicious purposes.  Malwarebytes err on the side of caution to assure that we are protecting our users. If our users encounter a block, they report it (as you did), we test it, and if it is determined to be safe, it is whitelisted.

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