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My Keyboard and mouse aren't working properly


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I've basically been all over the internet trying to find ways to fix this for the past week (i even wiped my hard drive and reinstalled windows) but i cant seem to find a fix. My keyboard and mouse will disconnect and reconnect with the windows sounds repeatedly within the same minute. my keyboard will choose not the press i key i pressed or even repeat a key like sticky keys. my mouse will appear at random points at the screen, click randomly, or not allow me to click at all until i repeatedly click ctrl,alt,del until i can use them again. the only thing that fixes this is during a malware scan being active (malwarebytes advanced scanning with rookits enabled so it lasts longer so i can use my peripherals longer). during the scan its like nothing ever happened and its back to normal, but when no scan is active or the application is closed, the events above occur. im confused as to why it only works when a scan is active and why i havent found anybody with a problem as specific as mine. the thing is after the advanced scan, nothing comes up except maybe a single PUP and i take action but nothing works.

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