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Malwarebytes AppBlock/Malware Protection interfering with VirtualBox, Xcode

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I've been running Malwarebytes on my 16" MacBook Pro, and have been seeing some very disturbing crashes.

  • When TimeMachine is actively backing up files, the computer becomes very unresponsive, sometimes taking a minute or so to respond to a click or keyboard input.
  • Running VirtualBox and booting the Windows 10 2004/64-bit installer disk image crashes in Windows with a BSOD
  • After Xcode is done running applications on the iOS or tvOS simulators, several Xcode Simulator processes crash and I see crash report windows.
  • iTerm2 (terminal) becomes extremely unresponsive after running a command and attempting to display the next terminal prompt.
  • I get dozens of crash logs for RTProtectionDaemon.

I've turned off AppBlock and Malware Protection (for now) and all of these issues have disappeared.

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  • Staff

Hello @PDX_Racer,


Let's reinstall the app with the help of reinstall tool > https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051441054-Uninstall-and-reinstall-Malwarebytes-for-Mac 

After that restart the computer and please try to narrow down the issue with protection module and for that, try turning off one module at a time either app block or malware protection.

Provide us your observation on which protection module being turned on is causing the issue.


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