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False Positive : Mozilla Browser : Seamonkey.exe


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1 I will get out of the way 1st : I can not figure out what your asking for under the heading of : Please read before posting : I simply do not have some of that in my version and would think it needs updating.  As well it was not found in a scan so is irrelevant and do not have logs for something that is not found.

Ok, well Running Mozilla Seamonkey 2.53.3 Browser and clicked on something on a web page https://darkreader.org/goodluck/  Leave Feedback. This launched Seamonkey as it is designated as my default email program where upon Malwarebytes decides I have Malware : AI 1170555320 which I do not have as scanned file with Norton360 & RougeKiller.




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1 hour ago, miekiemoes said:


I can't reproduce detection anymore, so this might have been fixed already. Are you still getting a detection?


It does for sure happens STILL, as of sept 9th MBM (Free trial) has quarantined Seamonkey.exe cause it sees it as Malware.AI1170555320 and MBM didn't have any problems with Seamonkey before this.


Great job guys.


MBM says it's up-to-date.

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  • Staff

Hmm, can you do the following please?

Quit malwarebytes from the systemtray.
Then navigate to the following folder:


In there, locate the file HubbleCache and delete it.

Restart Malwarebytes again. A new Hubblecache will then be created again, so it will properly pick it up and remember to not detect this anymore.


Also: "as of sept 9th MBM (Free trial) has quarantined Seamonkey.exe" - We are the 8th today :)


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Deleted that file and restored exes and started scan to see what happens. This time Seamonkey survived.


And so effing what if I typed date wrong?


MBM didn't have any problems with Seamonkey on previous 5 days of trial until today when started manual scan. Not that nice to notice suddenly that browser's executable has vanished like a * in Sahara.


Umtil next time.

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Got exactly the same this morning and I closed MWB and did delete that database file - no change!

I have had version 3 installed until a couple of days ago as it was impairing my web-browsing too much, then after a LONG time I decided to test it again and I got a problem on one computer and today this on another [PAID versions!].

Are you going to fix it or shall I find another Company?

MWB is NOT any more what it used to be, especially on mobiles ... overcharging!

Is it the end of MWB ?

What shall I do to be able to use Seamonkey? I use 3 browser for different things and cannot use that now.


One thing I HATE is interfering with my life and I keep a very tidy ship too!

It reminds me of Microsoft interference!!!

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  • Staff

Please help us to help you and zip and attach the exact file and detection log. As I sxaid, I can't reproduce detection on the above file that was attached here already. Unless you have a different version, so we can take a look and fix this as well.

Note, this is a new machinelearning detection, so FPs are always possible, so we need the files so it can learn from these.

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