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Chome PUP

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Excellent, I'm glad that the instructions worked and that we were able to help :)

I'd also recommend taking a look at our Tips to help protect from infection.  It has a lot of info, so you don't need to go through all of it all at once, but I would recommend checking it out when you have the time as there is tons of great information, tools and advice on how to stay safe online.

In the meantime, if you aren't already using Malwarebytes Browser Guard, I encourage you to check it out.  It's available for Chrome and Firefox and also works with most Chromium based browsers (like the new Microsoft Edge and Chrome alternatives like SRWare Iron and Vivaldi) and works well to augment the Web Protection in Malwarebytes Premium, including adding behavior based blocking for new/previously unknown tech support scam sites as well as blocking for non-malware items such as ads and trackers to help safeguard your online privacy.  It's free so you don't have to worry about any additional costs or subscriptions and it can help keep the unwanted stuff off of your system and out of your browser.

If there is anything else we might be of assistance with please don't hesitate to post, and if you are interested to hang out, learn more about tech and security or share any of your thoughts and ideas please feel free to do so.  These forums are full of great information and fascinating people.

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