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ScanCircle partner download blocked


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I am the owner of ScanCircle, an extremely fast online computer diagnosis. It includes a portable executable that can be downloaded from the main website (www.scancircle.com) but also from partner subdomains (*.scancircle.com, where * is the partner code). I recently released a new version of the scanner, which downloads okay from the main website, but on partner subdomains it is blocked probably because "it comes from websites that see relatively light traffic". But it is exactly the same executable as on the main website, only the name (which includes the partner code for partners) and subdomain differ. And it is digitally signed with a certificate which has earned its reputation in the last years. 

Can you please whitelist downloads of scancircle*.exe from *.scancircle.com or whitelist the code signing certificate used to sign www.scancircle.com/bin/ScanCircle4.exe. By the way, there is also a ScanCircle2.exe for older computers with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.  

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I don't know why SecureAge APEX reports it as malicious, but that is clearly a false positive since all other A/V products see no harm.

The same source code is also used in the Windows 10 app, which has passed the Microsoft Store certification testing.

To reproduce the error, go to e.g. https://demo.scancircle.com and click the "Run scan" button (don't select "Use the app"). Or use this link https://demo.scancircle.com/bin/ScanCircle4.exe or https://14468.scancircle.com/bin/ScanCircle2.exe

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A whitelist entry has been added for the site, which should also include the subdomains. If you notice posts about Browser Guard, we block EXE downloads in general because they can be dangerous. Many sites have been whitelisted or are known good sites, and the blocks do not apply there.  You are being added to the list of good guys.  Please allow 15-30 minutes for changes to take effect.  If you continue to have issues, please let us know.

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