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Java False Positive completely broke Java Installation, Cannot Uninstall!

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So i checked if the Java False Positive is still a thing, unfortunately it still is, but the Issue is that this time it broke Java so badly i cannot even uninstall it. Going to Programs and uninstalling results in nothing because Malwarebytes completely blocks access to do anything with those Folders, including Deletion. or Malwarebytes screwed them up so much that even the Uninstaller is confused. So i now have a Corrupted Java installation that i cant get rid of. Is there some way to manually uninstall it or fix this?

I CAN delete it when i start in Safe Mode, but I dont think just deleting the Java Folder would uninstall it, im pretty sure there would still be a lot of residue leftover somewhere that might screw stuff up.

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54 minutes ago, Marcus024 said:

I tried killing MBAM in Task Manager and it didnt work.

Malwarebytes should never be killed in task manager as it is protected and will not work as you have seen.

55 minutes ago, Marcus024 said:

Thank you, that worked.

Do you need Java for any particular program??

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