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Update reboot feedback

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Went away for the weekend, MBAM found an update and I installed it, said the PC needed to reboot but that it would automatically reboot in 10 minutes. The dialog only had an "OK" button. This kind of dialog did not clearly warn me that clicking "OK" would immediately reboot the PC. Thankfully,vi wasn't working on anything important, but perhaps redesigning that dialog to have the button say "Reboot Now" might be better understood what will actually happen, much like installing drivers often offers two options: "Restart Now" and "Restart Later".

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Thanks for the feedback, I will be sure to pass it on to the Product team for their consideration.

Just FYI, others have also commented on this and I do believe Malwarebytes plans to revise the post-update dialogs/options to be clearer and more user-friendly.

If you have any further suggestions or feedback please let us know.


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