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It seems unreliable with false positives like today's overnight scan in my decade old, updated PC with dual Windows boot setups (32-bit XP Pro. SP3 and 64-bit W7 HPE SP1). I hope these are really false positives (attached a 7z file with the EXEs and a screen shot/capture) since they never showed up as malicious before. Even with online scans (https://virusscan.jotti.org/en-US/filescanjob/zyph4syswd, https://r.virscan.org/language/en/report/0057a8b98f9c5854b830b299a7200abf, https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/30c536948ce7a0c4e9417b88e81d77ac5c048917177dc06bc71dfa814900662d/details, and https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/8ffc26bc2e827e94e534037bae4ab3fe3b7046a9f14977b6c77559d20ee3dfc2) confirm them being clean.

Thank you for reading and hopefully fixing and answering soon. :)


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8 minutes ago, miekiemoes said:

I can't reproduce any detection. Can you update and verify if these are still being detected?


Hmm, now they are considered clean from my 7-Zip file. Did the definition updates get fixes from almost twelve hours ago? Let me to do a rescan of my G:\Windows (not doing all drives like I did overnight that took almost three hours to complete).

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10 minutes ago, miekiemoes said:

We actually monitor for potential FPs realtime already where they also get fixed asap, so, these might have been fixed already earlier on. :)


After seven minutes and 10 seconds, it said my G:\Windows was clean. Wow, in real-time? If we get these Malware.AI detections, should we rescan to double check? If so, then maybe MBAM should tell its users to rescan again to be sure they aren't FPs?

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6 minutes ago, miekiemoes said:

Our machinelearning detection engine learns in real-time and fixes asap when determined it's a goodware file. Nope, it's not needed to doublecheck though (your entire drive, as that might take a while).

I remember it recommened to remove the files. That would be bad if they are good files.

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  • Staff

I appreciate your feedback. Especially with machinelearning engines to pro-actively detect any new threats, unfortunately, false positives happen. This is the same with other Antivirus that use machinelearning engines, but we keep on top of these and monitor realtime to fix these asap.

Luckily, the files are sent to quarantine, where you can always restore them again.


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3 minutes ago, miekiemoes said:

I appreciate your feedback. Especially with machinelearning engines to pro-actively detect any new threats, unfortunately, false positives happen. This is the same with other Antivirus that use machinelearning engines, but we keep on top of these and monitor realtime to fix these asap.

Luckily, the files are sent to quarantine, where you can always restore them again.


Well, it would be bad if they are critical files for the OS.

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Just now, miekiemoes said:

We have additional protection implemented for that already :)


Oh? Are there documentations on how that work in case I run into that which I hope is never. :)

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