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Privacy early Issue : 'UnobservedTaskException'

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I installed Privacy yesterday and ran it for a couple of hours last night and all seemed well, but then ... I logged into my PC today and my PC opened with this message on main screen which (I presume) is related to a Privacy issue.  I'm no programmer so the definition / meaning of this TaskException error is like reading a hand-written GP's Prescription from the 60's.  I don't know if it's bad, horrendous or a simple message which needs no action.

In any event, does anyone have any idea (at all) what this all means and is there something I should be doing?  I need to know quickly because I only have one week to decide if I want to purchase; this isn't exactly the best start. 

Thanks in advance.



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I cannot make any sense of what the instructions are.

I have done as asked of me to do.  I DON'T have another email with the next steps (as it tells me I should)  so I have no idea what I attach the nbst-grab-results to.  So what do I do now?
Instructions are:
  • Gather Logs confirmation pop-up window, click OK. A zip file appears on your desktop.

    An email will be sent to you for the next steps.
  • Reply to the email from the Malwarebytes support team with the zip file attached to the email.
  • Close the Malwarebytes Support Tool.
'An email will be sent to you for the next steps.' (??) I don't have any other email from Malwarebytes support team to attach the file to.  This is rather confusing.  I'm so confused.  Do you mean attach it here in the Forum, because that isn't what I am asked to do and the only other email I can (and did) attach it to is the ONLY email Malwarebytes sent me and it doesn't reply to messages.  What on earth do I now do with the mbst-grab-file ... where on earth do I send i?
Time is fast running out, I'm having other issues (struggling to keep a connection since I installed Privacy and on signing in today I get another issue on-screen that I deleted out before I could get a screen grab.
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4 minutes ago, knightwhispers said:

It's stopped working and when I click on it to open the program it does absolutely nothing.

While we wait for more suggestions,

I suggest turning off fast startup in Windows. Then restart.



Then see if you can open Privacy again.

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