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Malwarebytes appears to be a little overeager today, as it is preventing me from copying text inside firefox (such as a page URL) and pasting it outside firefox (such as to send via Discord).

I can copy text inside firefox and paste it again inside firefox, and I can copy and paste text between applications outside of firefox (tested with notepad++ and notepad.exe). It's getting text out of Firefox and into anything else that's being blocked. If I disable Malwarebytes briefly, I can copy-paste again. If I keep Malwarebytes enabled but disable Firefox in the Protected Applications list, I can copy-paste again.

So I have a temporary fix, but I would like to keep Firefox mostly protected, and just get my clipboard functionality back. What do I need to adjust to do this?

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1 minute ago, Smirle said:

What do I need to adjust to do this?

Can you please collect and upload as an attachment the diagnostic data using our MBST?

  • Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  • Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply
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20 minutes ago, Smirle said:

It's getting text out of Firefox and into anything else that's being blocked.


20 minutes ago, Smirle said:

If I keep Malwarebytes enabled but disable Firefox in the Protected Applications list, I can copy-paste again.

So it appears it is exploit protection blocking. Does it just not work or are you getting a warning?

Edited by Porthos
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5 minutes ago, Smirle said:

And yes, turning off Exploit Protection does "fix" it. Not a good long term fix, but I am toggling it off and on at the moment as needed.

Then I will have your topic moved to the false positive for exploit protection for further review.


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