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Like in title, somehow malwarebytes redirects me to a swedish site every time I enter malwarebytes.com.

And this is the reason I can't do anything on the website at malwarebytes.com.

This is the link:



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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

There are many old links that have been changed and do not exist anymore.

I see. But maybe other people that use the site get confused like me. When redirecting to a Swedish redirect page which doesn't exist.

I don't know if it's only me that get the 404 error or if it's more people out there.

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By the way, it may be due to regional detection.  Are you using a connection/DNS/VPN etc. located in Sweden or are you using Swedish language settings for your system or browser?  If so, that could be why it tries sending you to the now non-existent Swedish language version of the site.  If that is the issue, I can report it to the Web team to either remove the SE redirect (since that version of the site is no longer available), or to get the proper Swedish language version of the site up if it is missing/broken somehow but does/should exist.

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