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I am using Pixel2, Android 10, Malwarebytes 3.7 Free
I bought a weight scale from Amazon. The scale uses an app called Fitdays (package cn.fitdays.fitdays). This app uses Bluetooth to talk with the scale to collect measurements.
I found out that the app needs to have a Wi-Fi connection and the router needs internet access for the app to collect data from the scale, which seems weird, is it sending my data to somewhere in real time?
I also found out that if you use their Help > Others, which is just a blank form with a 'submit' button,  this will zip up a file and email it out with the text entered, although you do not need to enter text for the submit button to do something. The 'Submit' button will check for internet access before zipping a file, without internet it will complain and not zip. I know there is a zip file because when Support replies they reply with original email content that shows the file > Log Path: applog/0d7a75ca5a7ebfa46770803bdfa36b98.zip ,  I searched the storage and I could not find the zip file.
Malwarebytes free (current app version, Malware database 2020.08.17.01, Phishing database 2020.08.18.09) does not find anything wrong with this app/or my phone.
I am also concerned that this could this be new variant that Google Plays does not know about, yet.
-Can this app get my passwords?
-Will Real Time Protection see if it will try to get passwords?


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I'm no expert on smart phone/Android software by any means, however just as a general rule, if you don't trust an application, don't install it.  If you think it seems shady after having used it, remove it.  It's not worth the stress worrying about whether or not the app is safe when you can just remove it, do research to find out about it and the company behind it, and likely find a more well known/trusted alternative which provides the same or similar features that you wanted the app for to begin with.

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By the way, if the app came preinstalled on your phone and cannot be removed, that's another matter.  There might be some way to disable or remove it, however I find it hard to trust any carrier/phone provider who has ever been willing to allow spyware and/or adware to be preinstalled on the phones they sell to customers.

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Hello again,

I just wanted to check in and see how things were going.  Did you ever find any further info on the app you were wondering about?  If you have any suspicion that your device might be infected I'd suggest posting in our mobile malware removal area located in this area and a specialist will assist you in checking it for threats.

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Good, I don't blame you.  Nothing against smaller manufacturers or software makers, but unfortunately with so many issues with adware and spyware these days being found in many such apps (and even several larger/more popular/reputable apps), it isn't worth the stress wondering about it.  I know I have a hard enough time dealing with the privacy issues in Windows 10 and embedded in every Google service/site (though of course they're far from being alone in such practices), so if I had an app I didn't trust in a situation like that I'd likely do the same (especially since I personally have no need for apps to go along with otherwise offline/analog devices).

If we might help with anything else, please let us know.


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