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 We produce a few Eclipse RCP applications whi Nitro-CELL-mwb.zipch we've been selling for about a decade.  Today I installed Malwarebytes, and later did a new build of our software.  The newly created executable was quarantined under "Malware.Heuristic.105".  Because this is an Eclipse RCP app, the executable is essentially a copy of the Eclipse 3.5 executable, so it shouldn't have any issues.

Interestingly, Malwarebytes only seems to be flagging executables created since I installed it.  When I scan a version of the same file that was created last week, Malwarebytes does not flag and quarantine it!  I did a binary comparison of the two executables using HexEdit, and the two files are identical - but Malwarebytes only tries to quarantine one of them.  Also when I download that same "last week" file from our site (thus making it a new file) and scan it, MWB flags it.


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