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My nightly scan has found these 3 PUPs twice now, even after i quarantine and delete them. I ran the eset scan on my App Data folder and it does not report a problem. My only anti-virus is windows defender and MBAM premium is my only malware program. Hoping someone will help me decipher this report and help me completely remove this or else say if it is a false flag. Thanks!


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6 minutes ago, wanderinpilgrim said:

Hoping someone will help me decipher this report and help me completely remove this or else say if it is a false flag. Thanks!


File: 3
PUP.Optional.PushNotifications.Generic, C:\USERS\KEVIN\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Web Data, No Action By User, 201, 838845, 1.0.28249, , ame,
PUP.Optional.PushNotifications.Generic, C:\USERS\KEVIN\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Web Data, No Action By User, 201, 838845, 1.0.28249, , ame,
PUP.Optional.PushNotifications.Generic, C:\USERS\KEVIN\APPDATA\LOCAL\GOOGLE\CHROME\USER DATA\Default\Web Data, No Action By User, 201, 838845, 1.0.28249, , ame,

It sounds like an issue with the push notifications feature in Chromium based browsers (which includes MS Edge).  Please see if the instructions in this Malwarebytes Labs article help or not.

Also Follow the following thread to clean up Chrome.

Then run MB and clean those detection's.

Post bach if you have any more issues.

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Glad we could help.

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