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I appreciate the info.

Since the product version was released publicly, and is no longer beta, is this now officially a defect which must be fixed?  Presumably. Probably should have been corrected before being released as-is, or perhaps deferring the official release until the bug was corrected.

Regardless, can there please be confirmation from Malwarebytes staff here on the forum that this bug has been officially acknowledged and accepted and is currently being worked on, and will be fixed?

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11 minutes ago, DSperber said:

is this now officially a defect which must be fixed?


11 minutes ago, DSperber said:

Presumably. Probably should have been corrected before being released as-is, or perhaps deferring the official release until the bug was corrected.

Small bugs like this are hard to notice for the most part. It is usually stumbled upon.

13 minutes ago, DSperber said:

Regardless, can there please be confirmation from Malwarebytes staff here on the forum that this bug has been officially acknowledged and accepted and is currently being worked on, and will be fixed?

@LiquidTension has been researching it.

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