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Today I installed an app from outside the play store named Amoled live wallpaper from yhe website apk4free.net (full url : https://apk4free.net/amoled-livewallpaper/), this link tricks you into downloading mobidash which is 6.8 Mb something. So I downloaded and installed the adware thinking it was amoled lwp and guess what!? it was not showing either in my apps screen or my application manager, however all thanks to malwarebytes, malwarebytes found it and uninstalled it, it was even not being shown as a blank app in my application manager, I did everything to find it. So I just want you guys at malwarebytes to know that this adware no longer shows itself in the application manager. It has evolved. I'm using a galaxy note 10 lite android 10. Thanks, awaiting your reply. Please do assure me that the malware or adware had reaaly been uninstalled by malwarebytes from my smartphone. Please download and inspect the file from the respective link I provided above.

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No, but it didn't appear even as a blank or unnamed app in the application manager list. I was unsure that the app was really installed or not. I couldn't find it anywhere, I searched a lot, however what I did later is that I tried to reinstall the app to check if it's already present in my phone, when I tried it said "Do you want to install an update to the existing application" and I expected this, so I opened the play store straight away and installed malwarebytes, and malwarebytes found it and uninstalled it however I couldn't uninstall it because I couldn't find it in the first place.

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