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False Positive - Alfa Ebooks Manager


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Could you please rescan and remove our software Alfa Ebooks Manager (https://alfaebooks.com) from Malwarebytes blacklist, as our customers report of "could be malicious" alerts

Here is VirusTotal result:


Thank you

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It may be that the software itself is connecting to a server which is blocked by Malwarebytes, though that's just a guess based on the situation and the alert message described.  If that is the case, Malwarebytes Researchers will need a list of IPs/URLs which the application connects to, or at least a log showing the block from an affected system.

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Thanks, I'm not seeing any blocks for that URL.  Is there a specific sub-domain that the software connects to for updates?  It could be that only it is being blocked for some reason (possibly some sort of heuristics block or similar).  If not, then the log will show us what is happening once the customer provides it.

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