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Malwarebytes Browser Guard for MS Edge


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I was just presented with the dialogue box asking if I wanted to install Browser Guard for MS Edge.  As it said that it would change my data, I said NO.  I seek to understand the meaning of that statement and learn about the addon so I can make a decision based upon knowledge.  Please provide whatever resources, URL references, that can assist in this effort.  Thanks - RLJACK99  07-22-2020

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Any addon that filters or blocks any content, including any sort of security addon, privacy protection addon, ad blocker or any other sort of filtering addon will need to be able to read and modify website data as this is how the websites your browser is connecting to are checked to determine whether or not they should be blocked.  This is true for addons like UBlock Origin, Adblock Plus, Ghostery, Disconnect, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, and of course, Malwarebytes Browser Guard.

You may learn more about Malwarebytes Browser Guard here and you'll find a list of support articles and documentation for Malwarebytes Browser Guard here.  You'll also find information in the pinned topics in the sub-forums within this area.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist with please let us know.


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