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Malwarebytes Privacy for Mac beta

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Honorary members,

We're excited to hear your thoughts and findings on our Mac version of the Malwarebytes Privacy app. This app uses the same advanced VPN technology as the Windows app.

We need your help testing this thoroughly, from the install process through normal, day-to-day activities while connected to the VPN. Please let us know about your feelings and experiences on the following topics:

  • Any issues with the service
  • Comments or questions about the user interface
  • Overall impressions, taking everything into account

Before you post about any issues, please see this post for information about known issues! If you see something on that list, you don't need to mention it unless you see something different than what is described.

Also, see this post for information about what information needs to be included in any submitted issues or comments.

If you would like to participate in the beta, please reply to this post to get an activation key that can be used on up to 5 devices. This key will be good until September 1. Once you have a license key, you can download the app from the link below.


There are certain parts to the installation process that are required by Apple. For now, we're not going to provide instructions, just to make sure we get feedback as if you were customers who had not read any instructions. :) Please let us know about any difficulties you have with the installation process.

Please do not share this link or app at this time! There will be no point anyway, as a license key is required to use the app.

Thank you for your assistance with testing!

Edited by treed
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