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Lot's of CTO's have strong preferences for AVs like BitDefender, MS Defender, Symantec, etc., and won't change to another product.  However many would like to have a "second opinion" option and removal tool. When we think we may be under attack we download the free MalwareBytes app, scan, and then delete it. We would really like to have a MalwareBytes version that stays on our system, costs maybe $10-$15 a year, and scans on demand only (no active AV). We would feel better about paying a fair price for the occasional use and possible virus removal, and would not have to be concerned about interference between AV engines when two are active.  

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You may already do this as long as you are in a home environment and not a business.  To do so, simply disable the free trial after installing Malwarebytes if you don't want the Premium features, then keep Malwarebytes installed to use as an on-demand scanner.  With that said, a user could run the Premium version and simply keep all protection disabled and leave only scheduled scans intact, allowing them to automate their regular 'second opinion' scans.

Details on how to disable the free trial may be found in this support article.  The free version will be able to update, scan and quarantine any threats or PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) it finds.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist with please let us know.


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I have done that before, and I think a lot of users probably keep the free version on their computers. What I would like to see is for Malwarebytes to be able to make at least some money off of the probable large number of users who don’t turn on AV and simply use the free version as a one time scanner.

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Oh, I see.  No, Malwarebytes has never charged for scanning and removing threats, and all I have ever heard them say is that they never will.  Many users find the value proposition of getting all the expanded protection features in addition to the excellent detection and remediation capabilities in the base scan engine, that many of them do end up purchasing the Premium version, either to replace their AV solution, or to add it to their existing solutions since Malwarebytes is engineered to be compatible with most third party AVs.

Thank you very much for the suggestion though, and please let us know if you have any other ideas or feedback.


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