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"Microsoft fixes Windows 10 2004 boot fails caused by Disk Cleanup"




Microsoft fixed an issue where the Disk Cleanup maintenance utility could cause boot failures when launching automatically after installing Windows 10, version 2004 Build 19041.21.


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I actually had this happen, though it was with the previous build of 10.  I ran Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr) to remove all the Windows Update files and temp junk and ended up having to do another install of Windows because it wouldn't boot.  I've had more issues in the past several months since I started using 10 than I had the entire time I was running 7, and that was across multiple systems over the years.

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  • Root Admin

Yep, Windows 10 has some good stuff but also has a lot of junk and some of the tools don't work as well as they did in Windows 7. Disk Check is one. I've had quite a few drives that Windows 10 won't run correctly to complete a repair and gives an error but I use Windows 7 and it fixes it without an issue.


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Well this is a nice time to hear about  installing Windows 10, version 2004 Build 19041....I just had a Boot Failure a few days ago and was forced to reinstall Windows and format my SSD's in Raid 0.

Sad day for me because I didn't have a recent image or Clone of my OS. I never did know why my system kept going into diagnostics...where Alienware kept booting into the Support Assist Window. I had to disable Secure Boot to reinstall Windows 2004 using Rufus. After the install I re-enabled Secure Boot. 

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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@AdvancedSetup Sorry i only copied Windows 10, version 2004 Build 19041. The rest was in my own words...


"Well this is a nice time to hear about  installing Windows 10, version 2004 Build 19041....I just had a Boot Failure a few days ago and was forced to reinstall Windows and format my SSD's in Raid 0.

Sad day for me because I didn't have a recent image or Clone of my OS. I never did know why my system kept going into diagnostics...where Alienware kept booting into the Support Assist Window. I had to disable Secure Boot to reinstall Windows 2004 using Rufus. After the install I re-enabled Secure Boot." 

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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  • Root Admin

I have corrected the font issue.

For users that are using the Default theme which has a white background the issues are often not seen. But when you copy and paste it picks up the white background HTML code as well so that when someone using the Dark theme sees the post it is often unreadable.


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  • Root Admin

FYI - Not related to boot cleanup but since Windows 10 2004 is in the Title



Please note that we have released a new beta today that we hope should address the issue with Windows 10 build 2004

If you're running Windows 10 build 2004 and were having an issue please try the new beta and let us know if this beta version corrects the issue or not.

Thank you


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