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Hello @REGITDept

Thank you for opening up a forum post. If threat scans are failing immediately, that is usually indicative of the scanning module not being ready, possibly because of a pending update that requires reboots to finish. I can see in your portal that the machine does still say Reboot Required in order to finish Malwarebytes Installation. These issues are typically on a machine by machine basis though so it is difficult to pinpoint these right off the bat.

I do see that you ran a restart command on the machine which succeeded before trying the scan, but the restart required icon is still there. You may need to try another reboot. I was already able to grab logs from this machine and do see a potential issue. Please first try another reboot and if that doesn't work, then please uninstall the Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent through control panel. Then follow the instructions on this page to use our support tool and clean our the Malwarebytes directories - https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038524734

Afterwards, please go back to cloud.malwarebytes.com -> Downloads -> MSI Endpoint Agent Installer. Download and install that. I just updated the version in your portal so this installer will be slightly different than the one you installed with previously, which should hopefully help the product get installed properly.

As Porthos mentioned, you do have a business support line you can use. You can open your cloud portal -> Click on your username at the top right -> Contact us and use the most convenient phone number from there.

Thank you, 

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