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Hi, are there any command line parameters I can use to automate MBAR installation and/or scanning?  I'm trying to set up an easy-to-use toolkit for a scalable process.  Ideally I'd like to silently install and run the scan, then take the resulting log files, place them in a folder, and retrieve/consolidate them for later analysis.

TIA, and well done.  Great product.


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I'm not sure about command line options, however you may be interested in the Malwarebytes Techbench program if you are a PC technician at a repair shop.  It provides tons of portable tools for diagnosing and repairing systems, including a portable version of Malwarebytes which includes the same rootkit detection and remediation capabilities found in MBAR in addition to Malwarebytes' more comprehensive threat detection databases and capabilities.

If what you seek is a solution for a business/enterprise environment then one of Malwarebytes Business Solutions might best suit your needs.  If all you need is a deploy-able scan/remediation tool, then Malwarebytes Incident Response may be the right choice.  There are also other options which include the same portable scanning/remediation of Incident Response, but with additional capabilities depending on your needs.

If you aren't sure or you'd like to talk with a Sales agent to see what options are available and get detailed guidance based on your specific requirements and environment, you may do so by filling out the form on this page.  Free demos and trials are also available if you wish to try out an option to test it out and make certain it works for you.

Edited by exile360
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