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Malwarebytes Browser Gaurad for Edge Chromium


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I recently bought a new computer and had trouble adding MB Browser Guard to Edge Chromium. Fortunately, I was able to chat with someone who provided the link to add Browser Guard to Edge Chromium. Edge Chromium uses the version for Google Chrome, but every time I tried to add, I got redirected to download Chrome. Could someone provide that link so I can email it to myself? It will help me to setup other people's computers with all the Malwarebytes tools I generally use: Malwarebytes Premium / Free Trial, Malwarebytes AdwCleaner, and Malwarebytes Browser Guard.

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Ah, that explains it, thank you Porthos.  I'm not too familiar with Edge as I've never used it.  I kept thinking there had to be a way because I believe it is only hosted on the Google web store, and I always install it in SRWare Iron (another Chromium based alternative to Chrome) from the same place without any issues.  I guess Microsoft is trying to push users towards installing things from their own store which makes sense given all the effort they've thrown into their app store.

I apologize, Don12 that I wasn't able to figure out why it wasn't working, but let us know if Porthos' solution doesn't work and I can ask a staff member if there's another link, however I don't believe it's hosted anywhere else.

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