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I am having problems with Windows 10 and Malwarebytes since it upgraded to version 2004. 

The problem occurs when my laptop goes to sleep. When I wake it I can't launch certain programs or apps -  Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, Netflix, or Task Manager. File Explorer works as does the Control Panel. Once woken the laptop can't be restarted or shut down...just an endless spinning wheel until I force it to shut down. Once I start it again, the laptop works perfectly until I let it go to sleep.
The only solution I have found is to turn off Ransomware. 

Any suggestions?



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  • Root Admin

Please note that we have released a new beta today that we hope should address the issue with Windows 10 build 2004

If you're running Windows 10 build 2004 and were having an issue please try the new beta and let us know if this beta version corrects the issue or not.

Thank you


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