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I was trying to install one package from internet and I have installed some kind of malware by mistake. It spawns an app inside ~/Applications after some time. Overall app has same icon every time. It is magnifier tool on green/blue background. Once app is called SoftwareIndexer and another time TypeInditator. App is turning itself and it kills safari, clears all tabs and spawns new instance of safari. If Safari is closed it spawns a new instance. Nothing else. App deletion fixes this behaviour but after sometime it is respawned again.

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It would help if you could provide us with the url of the site where you downloaded whatever it was you were trying to install, and also upload both those apps, but not here.

Please go to the Newest Mac Threats forum so that the right staff members and malware hunters can research that for you.

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21 minutes ago, Spamm3r said:

Is there a way to get a version which will work on Big Sur?

The only official answer so far can be read here.

So not at this time and they are targeting it for release in the Fall when Big Sur is publicly released. There's a chance there could be a beta version earlier, so watch the Mac Support Forum for any such announcement.

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